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Monthly Archives: December 2010

I rage so hard when I play Unreal
No one understands just how I feel
I’m told it’s just a game… but to me it’s always real.

I feel so stuck in my wheelchair
There are simply no feelings to compare
Life for me is so damn unfair.

I feel trapped, like I’m in a cage
So I put on my whinepants and rage rage rage
Need new gauntlets for my lvl47 mage.

People tell me to grow up and act my age…
But my heartbreak and pain they cannot gauge
I could write enough emo poetry to fill this entire page.

I find poetry to be very therapeutic and relaxing
It helps me deal with my UT rage which is so stressing and taxing
Torp likes shaving his legs, but I prefer waxing.

People tell me to stop my raging because it’s old, it’s tired
So I ask them, “Are you feeling insp!red?”
They tell me they think I’m retired.

My only friends are losers but they’re my only fans
One of them comes from Iran
The other has a girlfriend who looks like a man.

When my best friend talks with girls he can’t help but stutter
My friend Torp’s face looks like a cow’s udder
I’m the only one that tolerates the bullshit he sputters.

I’m so pitiful, even DJ feels bad for me
I feel so bad for myself that I’ve been labeled a crybaby
In fact I’ve cried so much over UT my tears could fill a sea

I can only hope someday I’ll get a wife
But that’s not likely, as I have absolutely no life
I should do the world a favor and end it with a knife.


ye i can b a soppy git too!, just had nout to do since 7:30 so wrote a little poem, what the rest of ya do like to past the time ?! try writing a poem its quite relaxing!

I once was a man without a dream,
I was slowely drifting down a stream,
That stream what led me to the light,
Were you was standing willing to fight,
You took my hand and showed me the way,
And told me that you was here to stay,
I was scared and ill and expected you to flee,
But you didnt flee you stayed and took care of me,
I feel like sombody for the first time in ages,
If i was to write my suffering it would be a thousand pages,
But all those pages went to dust,
When you my princess gave me your lust,
I shared with you my darkest fears,
and you shared with me your precious tears,
I promise you baby when ever it may be,
I will take your hand and be with thee,
I like you babe and im here to stay,
Just promise me tho that you wont go astray.
I want to sit beside you, and express how I feel,
But the thought of that is beyond unreal.
You and I could be an awesome pair,
I want you to take my heart, and treat it with care.
I want to be with you, and hold you tight,
I want to drive over to your house just to kiss you goodnight.
I want to be with you always and forever,
Walking down the beach, you and me together.
Hand in hand and with our hearts in line,
In your heart, I want to shine.

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